And that'll do for now :) Off to bed I go. Ciao ciao!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Never a shortage of Hot Ghetto Mess
A dear reader of mine enjoyed my last two posts so much that she asked me to do another. At first, I thought, "Ehh...I already did it twice in a row...should I really jump into making a third?" Then I thought..."Ehh..if people don't like it, they don't have to read it. Ain't choice grand?" it is! But after this, I will do my best to write more substantial blogs...then get back to the ripping :) So, without further ado...Hot Ghetto Mess part Three!
Is this a joke? It better be! The dress is fugly enough as it is, but the man with the palm tree hair ain't working it. If he is a transvestive, fine, whatever, doesn't hurt my life. But that hair...I can't get past the hair. Only this guy can pull it off:

Completely uncalled for. See, this picture would have been acceptable if she hadn't exposed her ass scabies to the entire world! And she's rubbing her hand all over them, too! Boys: watch out for this one...if she starts offering half-price for handjobs, then you're in serious trouble!
Broke ass Bell-Biv-Devoe. If this is for a prom, I can only imagine their mothers clutching their chests in horror upon receiving these photos. Any woman who finds this cute is a damn bimbo. Cheap scotch and Monopoly money don't make you cool...they make you look like a stupid hot mess. The guy on the left looks like he's pinching a hot, buttery loaf. The one in the middle is probably thinking about using his ill-gotten money for some chapstick and lotion. And the one on the right looks like a dumbass Flava Flav. Mmm-mm. I'm not impressed, boys. When you are in your caps and gowns and holding that diploma or degree, then I'll be impressed. Not your cheap polyester suits.
The caption says it all...I don't know what possessed you to pull up your shirts and expose your swollen uterine-puppy casings to the world. You just wait until that baby is waking you up at all hours, costing you your money, time, and education, and generally driving you your smirk asses won't be smiling then. Oh, and let's not forget the can kiss your youthful figures Sayonara, Adios, Au Revoir, and GOODBYE. Sucks for you...see you in 15 years when I'll still be childfree :)
Now, see...if she would just take those cheap, 50-cents-at-the-flea-market beads out of her mouth, she'd have all of her teeth!
Hmmm...nothing like the raw, parasite-infested innards of dead pigs to cover your shame. Best of luck, honey. Here's hoping that you don't get worms.
Three words: HELL FUCKING NO. This is why my tats are in places where they can easily be hidden. This is easy birth control: just think of your dear, nekkid granny if you need to abstain from the bouncy-bouncy for a while. Because this just about ruined all my glorious fantasies.
That underwear is just straight disgusting. It looks like your fat busted the seams. Nice work on the housekeeping, though. I better not see any Steak-Umm grease or Kool-Aid stains on the floor in the future.
Ewwwhewww!!! Last time I checked, Kimora Lee didn't need you to advertise her product on your ass. And what the hell are those supposed to be? Rotten strawberries? And right near your fart-hole, too, which needs a serious de-bumping. And I don't even think I want to know what that red string is for. I have to wonder if this individual was able to sit after this abomination was completed. Was it worth it? I say no.
No, madam. This does not pass the cute test. For one're ugly. Sorry, I'd hate to be the one to break it to you, but I could slice a ham on your face. Second...use your curves to your advantage. You just look sad and pudgy. Third: in front of a child? I guess nothing is sacred anymore. Now get the hell off the hood before you dent the engine.
"I'm a maaaaaannnn.....without conviction...." Yet. least have the fortitude to have matching undies. And what's with the double navel?
And that'll do for now :) Off to bed I go. Ciao ciao!
And that'll do for now :) Off to bed I go. Ciao ciao!
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