Yes, it's true that Wal-Mart is a consuming bastard that puts honest, hard-working mom and pops out of business, and they also treat their employees worse than shit. And those things do bother me. Unfortunately, I am not exactly rich, and my town lacks in quality shopping, so guess where I have to buy most of my groceries and such? Yep, you guessed it.
It's not so much the way-too-bright lights and the unhappy workers that get to me; it's the fellow customers I have to share my precious shopping space with.
*the breeders who not only block the damn aisles with their grocery carts laden with disgusting food (like Cup O Noodles, Spaghetti-Os, Dora the Explorer cereal, generic Doritos, milk, white bread), but also let their kids run around and scream like they own the goddamn place.
*the lazy asses who would rather use the automatic wheelchairs than walk around like the rest of us. And all of these people tend to be severely overweight. Sure, they may have health problems, but maybe they wouldn't have these problems if they took better care of themselves. Sorry, I have no sympathy for those who use the store wheelchairs. I will not move out their way so they can block MY view when choosing a box of pasta. I will not see them as invalids, especially when they're stocking those mini-baskets with cheetos, kool-aid, and Croissant Pockets. I will, however, give special treatment to those who have legitimate disabilities; those who use mobility aids that are NOT the property of Wal-Mart.
*the people that wouldn't know a bath if you threw them in the ocean (if you could lift their fat asses). Seriously! They smell like hot garbage drizzled with diarrhea! And you'd think with all the Capri Sun juice drinks, $5 bargain bin DVDs, and Tombstone pizzas, they'd also buy some freaking soap and toothpaste! But noooooooo! I have to revel in their stink!
And these people are the reason that Wal-Mart hardly puts out any alternative foods or publications! (then again, these good companies likely want nothing to do with a heartless retailer) Nobody is willing to try tempeh, hemp milk, or vegan ice cream, but they'll buy goat milk, high fructose corn syrup, and beef ass.
Yeah, yeah, I can hear the idiots now: "You chose to shop at somewhere else....naggity naggity bitch bitch bitch." Umm...I do shop at other places. I like these other places. I didn't care for my visit at Wal-Mart, so I decided to spill my brain about it. And here's another clue, Einstein: this is my freaking blog. Just about anything goes in my blog. Don't like it? No? Then get yourself off....then get yourself off my blog. You will not be missed.
Wal-Fuck sucks. The end.
First of all... LURVE the graphic. Consider it stolen. I stoled it.
Second of all... agreed on alllll counts. The Wal-Fart here is always busy. Always. And it's full of nasty fat-assed redneck breeder trailer trash. Always. The saddest thing is that they just built ANOTHER one seriously TEN MINUTES AWAY from the one here... and it's always packed, too! Every chain in the universe exists here... it's kinda sickening. Ugh, I can't wait to get out of this town.
It's about the same here, the crappy people you see at the Wal-Fart. Always busy. Tons of cash registers and like 2 cashiers. And the shrieking kids. Muy horrible.
But the sonofabitch is like a mile, if that, from my house. And with gas at 4 bucks a gallon, that counts for a lot!
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