Bask in my greatness, as depicted by one of my favorite fictional characters:
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
YouTube, sadly, has become the Adult Swim of the Internet: it used to be cutting edge and fun. Now it's just plain retarded. Granted, there are a few videos there that are informative (such as how-to videos in terms of crafting, cooking, etc.), and maybe a few videos that are entertaining, but most of it is just a waste of perfectly good time and space. Here's an idea of the overview of YouTube:
According to the law, fan creations should not violate copyright laws. They should, like parodies, be under "fair use" laws. Here is the article that proves it.
Shelly, like any rational person, decided to create her own fanvid page as a big, fat "Fuck you" to YouTube. Check it out, it's pretty cool. :)
So there you have it. YouTube, either allow copyrighted material or don't. It's not fair to single out whoever may have the littlest bit of a chance of a lawsuit falling on your ass. Get with it. And quit with the stupid RickRoll and Hampster videos...nobody gives a shit anymore.
Number more ways than one.
Oops! In my haste to make up for my lack of updating, I forgot to wish everyone a Happy New Year! Sorry! Well....Slappy Poo Beer. Yeah, that works.
Anyway...I have been doing some leisurely thinking (what, you didn't notice that gust of wind?) and my former manager crossed my mind. You remember my nemesis PITA, don't you? If not he graces his presence here, here, and here.
My deal with PITA is this...he is second in command, and he acts like he is the Pope, the King, and the Sheriff. Some shining examples include:
*"Do you think I pay you to _____?" Hmm...that's a thinker. I think I'm going to go Yeah. My answer is no, because you didn't pay me, and you've never paid me. Until your signature is on my checks, you can get fucked.
*"This is my store." "It's my store." No, and no. Your name is not on the business license, nor is it on the deed. The operator's name isn't even on the deed, he rents the place from the corporation, who owns the store.
*"I'm the boss!" Yes, PITA said this frequently and vocally. To me, it sounds like a 3-year-old who doesn't want to share his toys. "I'm the boss! It's miiiiiiiiiiiiine!" Yes, PITA is an option for a boss, but I could always go over his head. Way over his head. He is not "the boss." If he were, he wouldn't be constantly chewed out by his boss, the operator!
*He wears company-logo attire, even while off the clock. NERD!
*If I ever dared to say that another restaurant's food is better than the food at the restaurant at which he works, I would be asking for the Lecture from Hell. "Their food is garbage, SD." "How can you not like chicken, SD?" "Actually, I think our shakes are better, SD." He would rather eat his restaurant's food than his own mother's cooking. If this isn't a company man, I don't know what is!
I think it's pretty pitiful to act high and mighty when you're only second-in-command of a fucking restaurant. He acts like an executive of a successful corporation, when in reality, these executives are laughing at/pitying him. Oh, and I will take a moment to hit below the belt: he just turned 24, and he has a glaring bald spot. Not only that, he has ginger hair, freckles, a noticeable lisp, and a pumpkin-shaped head. Not a good combo for someone who is balding. I wish I had taken the opportunity to make fun of him for it to his face, but I had to be a little tactful. But now, well, it's just fucking hilarious! Hey, PITA! You drive around in your daddy's Infiniti and spend money you don't have; why not buy some Rogaine and get a bang out of life?
Anyway...I have been doing some leisurely thinking (what, you didn't notice that gust of wind?) and my former manager crossed my mind. You remember my nemesis PITA, don't you? If not he graces his presence here, here, and here.
My deal with PITA is this...he is second in command, and he acts like he is the Pope, the King, and the Sheriff. Some shining examples include:
*"Do you think I pay you to _____?" Hmm...that's a thinker. I think I'm going to go Yeah. My answer is no, because you didn't pay me, and you've never paid me. Until your signature is on my checks, you can get fucked.
*"This is my store." "It's my store." No, and no. Your name is not on the business license, nor is it on the deed. The operator's name isn't even on the deed, he rents the place from the corporation, who owns the store.
*"I'm the boss!" Yes, PITA said this frequently and vocally. To me, it sounds like a 3-year-old who doesn't want to share his toys. "I'm the boss! It's miiiiiiiiiiiiine!" Yes, PITA is an option for a boss, but I could always go over his head. Way over his head. He is not "the boss." If he were, he wouldn't be constantly chewed out by his boss, the operator!
*He wears company-logo attire, even while off the clock. NERD!
*If I ever dared to say that another restaurant's food is better than the food at the restaurant at which he works, I would be asking for the Lecture from Hell. "Their food is garbage, SD." "How can you not like chicken, SD?" "Actually, I think our shakes are better, SD." He would rather eat his restaurant's food than his own mother's cooking. If this isn't a company man, I don't know what is!
I think it's pretty pitiful to act high and mighty when you're only second-in-command of a fucking restaurant. He acts like an executive of a successful corporation, when in reality, these executives are laughing at/pitying him. Oh, and I will take a moment to hit below the belt: he just turned 24, and he has a glaring bald spot. Not only that, he has ginger hair, freckles, a noticeable lisp, and a pumpkin-shaped head. Not a good combo for someone who is balding. I wish I had taken the opportunity to make fun of him for it to his face, but I had to be a little tactful. But now, well, it's just fucking hilarious! Hey, PITA! You drive around in your daddy's Infiniti and spend money you don't have; why not buy some Rogaine and get a bang out of life?
Hatemail! Hatemail!
I was tickled pink to discover a hateful comment from an apparent Radio Shack fan. The wuss declined to make his/her page public, but I will be kind enough to display the name and what was said. It can also be found at this blog.
Asynaka says: Wow, I guess if I worked in a Radio Shack and had to deal with a-holes like you and likely a screaming boss I would shoot myself.
You loss [sic] the high ground when you are an ass to the guy and girl making 7 bucks an hour with some asshole telling them they will lose their job if they don't push these things, if you hate it so much why go into Radio Shack
This comment has dumbassery written all over it.
Number one, Asynaka, I did not put a gun to your head and force you to take a job that involves dealing with assholes like me (*grin*) and a screaming boss. You made that decision for yourself. Suck it up, buttercup. Of course, if you did shoot yourself, I sure as hell wouldn't notice. You can easily be replaced.
Secondly, I lost the high ground. Right. I'm the one making racist comments in order to make a quick buck. I'm the one who is rude to those who don't have a fucking camera/radio/satellite dish in their overpriced phone. Let me tell you something, Assy Caca...I am never rude to a service person unless they are rude to me first. I've worked crap jobs before, and I know how it feels to deal with rude customers and idiot bosses. So I do my best to treat every serviceperson with respect, and I expect that they do the same with everyone that they come in contact with. If some snotshit tells someone making 7 bucks an hour that they will lose their job if they don't push some DVD player, that's not my problem. I don't make the rules, and again, I didn't tell them to take the job. They chose this job, and I won't allow some idiot to take their poor choices out on me. Perhaps they could have an opportunity to keep their jobs by making a sale without using poor people skills. But they didn't. So they lost a customer and possibly their jobs. Their choices, not mine. Oh, well.
Third, if you had bothered to read the blog, you would know that there are other places that I patronize other than Radio Shack. I haven't been to Radio Shack in over a year. I actively avoid going near a Radio Shack.
It sounds to me, Asynaka, that you cannot handle being an adult. Sure, we all have bosses that we hate. I know I did! But it sounds to me that you cannot take responsibility for your actions. So therefore, your opinion means this to me:
But thank you for the laugh! My friends and I enjoyed it thoroughly.
Asynaka says: Wow, I guess if I worked in a Radio Shack and had to deal with a-holes like you and likely a screaming boss I would shoot myself.
You loss [sic] the high ground when you are an ass to the guy and girl making 7 bucks an hour with some asshole telling them they will lose their job if they don't push these things, if you hate it so much why go into Radio Shack
This comment has dumbassery written all over it.
Number one, Asynaka, I did not put a gun to your head and force you to take a job that involves dealing with assholes like me (*grin*) and a screaming boss. You made that decision for yourself. Suck it up, buttercup. Of course, if you did shoot yourself, I sure as hell wouldn't notice. You can easily be replaced.
Secondly, I lost the high ground. Right. I'm the one making racist comments in order to make a quick buck. I'm the one who is rude to those who don't have a fucking camera/radio/satellite dish in their overpriced phone. Let me tell you something, Assy Caca...I am never rude to a service person unless they are rude to me first. I've worked crap jobs before, and I know how it feels to deal with rude customers and idiot bosses. So I do my best to treat every serviceperson with respect, and I expect that they do the same with everyone that they come in contact with. If some snotshit tells someone making 7 bucks an hour that they will lose their job if they don't push some DVD player, that's not my problem. I don't make the rules, and again, I didn't tell them to take the job. They chose this job, and I won't allow some idiot to take their poor choices out on me. Perhaps they could have an opportunity to keep their jobs by making a sale without using poor people skills. But they didn't. So they lost a customer and possibly their jobs. Their choices, not mine. Oh, well.
Third, if you had bothered to read the blog, you would know that there are other places that I patronize other than Radio Shack. I haven't been to Radio Shack in over a year. I actively avoid going near a Radio Shack.
It sounds to me, Asynaka, that you cannot handle being an adult. Sure, we all have bosses that we hate. I know I did! But it sounds to me that you cannot take responsibility for your actions. So therefore, your opinion means this to me:
But thank you for the laugh! My friends and I enjoyed it thoroughly.
Fuck the Bikers!
In my state, motorcycles, motorcyclists, and anything that has to do with motorcycles is a BFD (a big fucking deal). All I can say is this:
And why should I give a shit?'s a motorized bicycle! I've never seen any kind of motorized transportation device before! And it's shiny, too! I'm sorry, but I just don't see the appeal.
However, I can see how uninteresting and overrated motorcycles are...until an unfortunate brain omelette occurs on the pavement. Unfortunately, motorcycle accidents are common in this country, especially in my state. I don't wish harm on anyone, and I don't want anyone to get hurt or to lose a loved one, but these lunkheads have brought it on themselves. And no, I don't hate to say it. Here is what I have witnessed:
* Reckless bikers weaving illegally and dangerously between lanes
* Idiot bikers riding at least 90 mph
* Dumbass bikers riding without a helmet
The last one baffles me. In many states, riding with a helmet is required. Not here. Apparently if you have an insurance policy of at least $10,000, you can let the gentle breeze caress your balding scalp. Now, either these people have lived rich and full lives and don't mind dying doing what they love, or they're just plain fucking stupid. I'm betting on the latter. To those who are still unconvinced: your skull is to the pavement as an egg is to concrete. You. Will. Lose. What. Little. Brain. Matter. You. Have. Left.
It seems that everywhere I go, I see bumper stickers saying things like, "Look Twice, Save a Life. Motorcycles are Everywhere." Hmph. Of course, I always drive defensively. But if these special fucking motorcyclists want recognition and special treatment, then they need to treat the other drivers and pedestrians on the road with respect, and to be more careful.
And I still don't care about your bike.
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