In my state, motorcycles, motorcyclists, and anything that has to do with motorcycles is a BFD (a big fucking deal). All I can say is this:
And why should I give a shit?'s a motorized bicycle! I've never seen any kind of motorized transportation device before! And it's shiny, too! I'm sorry, but I just don't see the appeal.
However, I can see how uninteresting and overrated motorcycles are...until an unfortunate brain omelette occurs on the pavement. Unfortunately, motorcycle accidents are common in this country, especially in my state. I don't wish harm on anyone, and I don't want anyone to get hurt or to lose a loved one, but these lunkheads have brought it on themselves. And no, I don't hate to say it. Here is what I have witnessed:
* Reckless bikers weaving illegally and dangerously between lanes
* Idiot bikers riding at least 90 mph
* Dumbass bikers riding without a helmet
The last one baffles me. In many states, riding with a helmet is required. Not here. Apparently if you have an insurance policy of at least $10,000, you can let the gentle breeze caress your balding scalp. Now, either these people have lived rich and full lives and don't mind dying doing what they love, or they're just plain fucking stupid. I'm betting on the latter. To those who are still unconvinced: your skull is to the pavement as an egg is to concrete. You. Will. Lose. What. Little. Brain. Matter. You. Have. Left.
It seems that everywhere I go, I see bumper stickers saying things like, "Look Twice, Save a Life. Motorcycles are Everywhere." Hmph. Of course, I always drive defensively. But if these special fucking motorcyclists want recognition and special treatment, then they need to treat the other drivers and pedestrians on the road with respect, and to be more careful.
And I still don't care about your bike.
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