Thursday, May 29, 2008


I've found myself writing fewer substantial blogs, and more "bits and pieces" blogs. Nobody seems to mind, so...

*What the fuck. I mean, really. What the fuck. The restaurant in which I work displays two options: a meal or an entree. And, as I expected, I got the usual ridiculous tripe: "What do you mean by entree?" "I'll have the chicken salad meal, the entry. (Yes, they pronounce it as "entry.")" "I want the entree, but I want it with a side salad and an iced tea." Why, FSM? Why must I be surrounded by idiots? I don't like to wish harm on anyone, but I have to make my future secure. So I'm going to say it: the food we serve is, shall we say, less than healthy. So there is a good chance that the population of Clods will level off eventually.

*Another thing...I had a young woman order a chicken salad sandwich, then almost shit herself when she read that it was around 700 calories. "Why is it so high?! I thought it was healthy!!" I'm thinking, "Yes, because anything that's swimming with mayonnaise and laden with egg yolks just whittles down your waistline, you stupid bitch." Duh, people! If you are concerned about dietary guidelines, look at the nutritional menu BEFORE you order! We have them available for your convenience! If you have questions, ask us (or preferably, your doctor).

*A few of my coworkers gave me shit for my dating standards. I already have a wonderful guy, so I am not looking. But, for the sake of argument, let's say I was. Here are my standards: must not have kids, must not want kids, must be liberal, must be older than I am (at least 5 years, but no more than 20), must not be employed at the same place as I am, must accept the fact that I am Agnostic, must be pro-choice, must have a sense of humor, must be faithful, must be reliable, must treat me with respect, and white is preferred. Keep in mind, this is for MY personal relationship, which affects nobody else. Immediately, I am labeled as a racist freak. Whatever. One of my coworkers is 5 years younger than I am, he works with me, he's African-American, and he's a "playa." Four strikes against him. He's used to having women flock to him, and I have more self-respect than that, and I guess he hates it. Oh well. Call me what you will; I stand by my standards. I've spent years upon years trying to make everyone else happy; it's time for ME to be happy (and I am now :) ). If everyone else is so insecure that they have to criticize everyone else's choices, then that's their problem, not mine.

*I am my own God. Only I can decide my destiny. Sure, I'm going to have some help along the way, but ultimately, my life is what I make of it. And that goes for everyone else. Believe any deity you please, but to make it in this world, you've got to take responsibility for yourself.

*All day yesterday, I worried about my SIMS. Sad, right? I was concerned about my child-Sim's grades slipping, and about one of my adult-Sim's relationships failing. See what happens when I have few friends down here? Haha!

*I'm all about DIY. I want to learn to sew and knit so I can make my own clothes, accessories, and the like. I already make my own jewelry. It would be much cheaper, more fulfilling, and they'd make great conversation starters.

*I own more books than I do shoes. Take that, you shoe-hating shopaphobe! (You know who you are!)

*I don't get breeders. They cry and whine about why we don't think their baybees are the second coming of Christ, but if we do show attention, they become resistant! Sure, this is understandable; there are a lot of creeps out there. But this was completely innocent. A young child in a stroller said "Hi" to my boyfriend, and he did the polite thing and said, "Hello" back to the child. The mother gave my boyfriend a disgusted look and immediately turned the stroller around. Sooooo......alright, then.

*I can't wait until the season premiere of "Bridezillas." I'll be honest...I'm not exactly a big fan of weddings. I regret that I had a wedding when I married my first husband. When I realized what a pain in the ass one day was (and this was a small, cheap-o wedding!), and when I kept thinking about when it was all going to end so I could leave, I began to realize what bullshit weddings are, and that it's no reason to make a big deal (and a big dent in your savings...$25,000 for a wedding? Forget that!) about. However, I do enjoy seeing catty, spoiled bitches make a mountain out of a molehill because one of their bridesmaids refuses to stuff her bra.

*I don't care for weddings. I do, however, believe in marriage. I'd love to marry again. The next time around, I think I'll elope somewhere far away and not tell anyone until I come back home. Or even do the courthouse thing. Having a wedding is absolutely out of the question.

*I miss my Maryland friends. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!

*I'd totally move back to DC, but two things are stopping me: the expensive cost of living and my distaste for cold weather.

*Out of ramblings already. Damn. More to come later!

Thursday, May 22, 2008


*I was so excited to be able to take the scenic route home today...until it became overcast and rainy. Granted, my area has been under a dry spell as of late, and we desperately need the rain.

*I got in trouble with my manager because I check for ID when people pay with credit cards. Yes, you read correctly. When a card says "Check ID," and I check for ID, the management hates it while the customers truly appreciate it. I'd be rich if I had a penny for every customer that says, "Thank you so much for asking for [my ID]! I have it on here for a reason; nobody asks anymore!" Sadly, I have a few bills and a fantabulous childfree lifestyle to support, so I had no choice but to listen to my boss. It pained me every time I had to swipe a credit card without checking for identification. Fortunately, no customers gave me grief. I also remember an incident a couple of weeks ago when a gentleman got visibly upset when a new cashier didn't check for his ID. Another manager came to his defense and said, "We don't check IDs here. We trust everyone." Head. Desk. Times. Three. All I can say is that these people are SO lucky that they don't run a pr0n shop/brothel/bar/etc.

*What the hell is it with Southerners and sweetened iced tea? It tastes like sugary tobacco spit! (At least by itself) Cut that out!

*And what is it with breeder hicks who think they're soooooo proper? I had one lady try to impress me by saying, with her nose in the air, "I'll have an Arnold Palmer." I said, "Okay," and handed her a lemonade and iced tea mix. She looked slightly shocked that I wasn't just another dumb college kid, and that I'm somewhat wordly. BTW...ordering a drink named after some golfer doesn't make you sophisticated; it makes you look stupid. Hell, you can even buy jugs of Arnold Palmer's oh-so-famous drink at the local Publix.

*Oh, and families....quit leaving your tremendous messes for us to clean up. Granted, it's our job to have a pleasant experience for you guys, but when you bitch about a dirty restaurant, it's your own fault. We open with a clean restaurant. YOU are the ones who stink up the bathrooms, leave trash everywhere, and let your fugly ass babies throw half-chewed food all over the floor. Leaving your shit for us does not make you look socially superior, it makes you look like a slovenly pig who doesn't take care of themselves. We also come to the conclusion that your house looks just as bad (or worse) as the way you leave our restaurant. So grow the fuck up and clean up your shit.

*It's God's will to go forth and multiply, is it? Well, maybe your God should have made the Earth sustainable for all of his chylldrun to survive, huh? This world is overpopulated, and it won't be much longer before there is a threat to our natural resources. And who is to blame? People like you! And people like this! And cut the crap about, "That's okay, we'll go to Heaven and rejoice!" Bull. Shit. If God was prepared, he could have at least made another planet that was livable for us to survive and live out his word. But nooooo....the real world doesn't work that way, folks. Go to college, not church.

*Your children are not special. Deal.

*To the rest of my college-student peers who have to deal with wage-earning bullshit: hang in there. The lifers are jealous, miserable, and will be doing the same old crap 10 years after they die. We, however, will move on, have great educations, fabulous jobs, disposable income, and we will be making OUR managers remake our sandwich 3 times because they just couldn't get it right! Or...maybe we feel like jerking them around. It's all good!

*The end...more coming soon, I'm sure!

Friday, May 16, 2008

You're only voting for McCain because you're white!

I sooooooo wish I could take credit for this one. So, so wish I could. But I am an ethical blogger (well, not necessarily a nice blogger, but I am ethical), and I give credit where credit is due.

Thank my lovely friend Miss Adia for her wonderful, insightful blog!

I am so sick of people telling me I'm only supporting Obama because he's black. If one more person says it, I am seriously punching them in the face. I like a good debate with intelligent people who won't get offended over the word politics, but when they resort to saying "Well you are only voting for him because he's black" makes you lose automatically!

At least in West Virginia, Clinton chose her words more carefully than she did last week when she blurted out to USA Today that "Sen. Obama's support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again" and how whites who had not completed college were supporting her.

Clinton sounded less like George Washington and more like George Wallace. Imagine a presidential primary where, after more than 16 months, almost two dozen debates, hundreds of speeches, millions of dollars, and countless chicken dinners, the rationale for electing someone boils down to this: Vote for me. I'm white. I can win because other whites will vote for me.
Why, this could be the new affirmative action. Whatever happened to merit?
Clinton's message in West Virginia was smoother. "I'm winning Catholic voters and Hispanic voters," she told supporters, "and blue-collar workers and seniors, the kind of people that Sen. Mcain will be fighting.

Meanwhile, some white Americans are turning themselves inside out to come up with excuses for why they're not supporting Obama. It seems like just yesterday that these folks were arguing there is no racism in the immigration debate, and now they're insisting there is no racism in the presidential election.

Some want to know why it isn't racist when 70 percent of African-Americans vote for Obama but it is when 70 percent of whites vote against him.
The answer has to do with history. Over the decades, black Americans have had plenty of opportunities to vote for white people for president. And they have done so. But this is the first time that white Americans have a chance to vote for an African-American with a shot at the presidency. And what are they doing?

Many are responding quite well. Obama won the votes of many, to borrow a phrase, "hardworking white Americans," in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska and Wyoming. But, elsewhere, as Obama said in a recent interview, people may need to get their head around the concept of an African-American even seeking the presidency, let alone winning it.

That's understandable. There are places in this country where white Americans are still raised to think of black Americans as inferior. And then comes someone like Obama who has performed off the charts -- from Harvard Law School to the U.S. Senate and now, possibly, on to the White House. It's going to take some time to get used to all that, especially for people who never thought they'd see the day that an African-American would be elected president.

But understand this: They had better hurry up. That day may soon be here.(1)

Oh and Hillary supporters are a piece of work! They are so die hard for her that if she doesn't win, they will vote for Mcain. O_O Wait, Clinton and Mcain do not have the same beliefs. It's like saying "Oh I believe every woman should have the choice to do what she wants with her own body. You don't like abortion? Then don't have one." and then Obama gets the nomination and it's "Fuck all those murderers! Burn in hell! Make abortion illegal! We want this 77 year old man deciding what we can and can't do with our bodies!" O_O

It's sickening that a lot of white people I talk to are just so closed minded they can't wrap their uneducated tiny brains around the possibility of a black man doing better than them. How can you say you are democrat and then say in the same breath "Well if Osama Obama wins I'm voting for Mcain."

And this muslim shit needs to stop. yeah it's funny to joke about with people who are comfortable with that shit but people really need to educate themselves on the facts. Muslim does not mean terrorist. If Obama was Muslim, who freaking cares!? I have muslim friends and they haven't blown up anything! That is a very dangerous way of thinking and I'm seriously going to cuss out the next person who makes an ignorant comment. "Obama hates America, he doesn't wear a flag pin." Neither do I.

"Obama doesn't say the pledge" Uh, yeah he does. Th epicture that was going around was proven to be taken at some event where the national athem was sang. Don't know about you but I don't put my hand over my heart during the song. OH! I must hate America!"

Obama is racist and hates white peope. He only pays attention to the blacks at events." REALLY!? Because if you youtube his events, 90% of the people there are WHITE!

i'm not hating on white people. I'm hating on the bigots who really need to be shot. Here's the solution. We find all the wannabe KKK members, and all the old white people who still think slavery was the best thing ever and their kids because you know they were taught that, put them all in one part of the USA and napalm the shit out of them. There. We wipe out all the racist and we can start focusing on the REAL ISSUES!

The republicans can play their old ass games of attacking over bullshit. Oh well Michele Obama isn't proud of her country. O_O Yeah, let's go ask all the homeless vets how proud they are of this country! I am not proud of this country! LOTS OF PEOPLE ARE NOT PROUD OF THIS COUNTRY! Republicans need to catch up. It's so typical of them not to focus on anything important. Just little jabs here and there.

After what George W. Bush said in Israel and all his failed policies which they supported and almost 5,000 of our brave men and women killed because of Bush's lies, lost jobs, high food and gasoline prices, borrowing money from China, all the damage Bush has done in almost 8 years, Tennessee Republicans ought to be talking about they are ashame Bush.

I am done. You wanna debate with me? Bring facts!

(1) Source: CNN

Monday, May 12, 2008

I hate Wal-Mart

I don't care for Wal-Mart. But not only for the reasons you think.

Yes, it's true that Wal-Mart is a consuming bastard that puts honest, hard-working mom and pops out of business, and they also treat their employees worse than shit. And those things do bother me. Unfortunately, I am not exactly rich, and my town lacks in quality shopping, so guess where I have to buy most of my groceries and such? Yep, you guessed it.

It's not so much the way-too-bright lights and the unhappy workers that get to me; it's the fellow customers I have to share my precious shopping space with.

*the breeders who not only block the damn aisles with their grocery carts laden with disgusting food (like Cup O Noodles, Spaghetti-Os, Dora the Explorer cereal, generic Doritos, milk, white bread), but also let their kids run around and scream like they own the goddamn place.

*the lazy asses who would rather use the automatic wheelchairs than walk around like the rest of us. And all of these people tend to be severely overweight. Sure, they may have health problems, but maybe they wouldn't have these problems if they took better care of themselves. Sorry, I have no sympathy for those who use the store wheelchairs. I will not move out their way so they can block MY view when choosing a box of pasta. I will not see them as invalids, especially when they're stocking those mini-baskets with cheetos, kool-aid, and Croissant Pockets. I will, however, give special treatment to those who have legitimate disabilities; those who use mobility aids that are NOT the property of Wal-Mart.

*the people that wouldn't know a bath if you threw them in the ocean (if you could lift their fat asses). Seriously! They smell like hot garbage drizzled with diarrhea! And you'd think with all the Capri Sun juice drinks, $5 bargain bin DVDs, and Tombstone pizzas, they'd also buy some freaking soap and toothpaste! But noooooooo! I have to revel in their stink!

And these people are the reason that Wal-Mart hardly puts out any alternative foods or publications! (then again, these good companies likely want nothing to do with a heartless retailer) Nobody is willing to try tempeh, hemp milk, or vegan ice cream, but they'll buy goat milk, high fructose corn syrup, and beef ass.

Yeah, yeah, I can hear the idiots now: "You chose to shop at somewhere else....naggity naggity bitch bitch bitch." Umm...I do shop at other places. I like these other places. I didn't care for my visit at Wal-Mart, so I decided to spill my brain about it. And here's another clue, Einstein: this is my freaking blog. Just about anything goes in my blog. Don't like it? No? Then get yourself off....then get yourself off my blog. You will not be missed.

Wal-Fuck sucks. The end.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I am the Queen of Dorks!

Yikes! Sorry for the mega-pixels, lol!

Anyhoo...the worst semester of my life is officially over!

Booty dance, anyone?

Yes, I still have to work at my less-than-glamorous job, but it is soooooo nice to be able to come home and not have to crack at the books. I can come home, watch TV, play mindless online games, pig out, and generally have a good time!

This is the dork in me...all day at work on Tuesday, I counted down the hours until clock-out time, because I was so excited to just go home and do the things most people take for granted. And as soon as I got home, I showered, ate dinner, did a few things online, but right after that I skipped (yes, literally skipped) with glee to my bedroom with my Oatmeal Cookie Chunk Ben & Jerry's in hand, and watched hours of my favorite movies and TV shows on DVD. It. Was. Bliss.

And the sad thing is, I'm excited about this weekend because I can go to the beach, play Sims all day, sleep in, and do all the fun things I couldn't do when I was studying :)

Now, don't get me wrong; I do have about one more year to go, and I still want to go to grad school. I plan on doing 18 credits starting in August, and I'm excited about my classes.'s not August yet!

Go, me. I rule.