Friday, May 16, 2008

You're only voting for McCain because you're white!

I sooooooo wish I could take credit for this one. So, so wish I could. But I am an ethical blogger (well, not necessarily a nice blogger, but I am ethical), and I give credit where credit is due.

Thank my lovely friend Miss Adia for her wonderful, insightful blog!

I am so sick of people telling me I'm only supporting Obama because he's black. If one more person says it, I am seriously punching them in the face. I like a good debate with intelligent people who won't get offended over the word politics, but when they resort to saying "Well you are only voting for him because he's black" makes you lose automatically!

At least in West Virginia, Clinton chose her words more carefully than she did last week when she blurted out to USA Today that "Sen. Obama's support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again" and how whites who had not completed college were supporting her.

Clinton sounded less like George Washington and more like George Wallace. Imagine a presidential primary where, after more than 16 months, almost two dozen debates, hundreds of speeches, millions of dollars, and countless chicken dinners, the rationale for electing someone boils down to this: Vote for me. I'm white. I can win because other whites will vote for me.
Why, this could be the new affirmative action. Whatever happened to merit?
Clinton's message in West Virginia was smoother. "I'm winning Catholic voters and Hispanic voters," she told supporters, "and blue-collar workers and seniors, the kind of people that Sen. Mcain will be fighting.

Meanwhile, some white Americans are turning themselves inside out to come up with excuses for why they're not supporting Obama. It seems like just yesterday that these folks were arguing there is no racism in the immigration debate, and now they're insisting there is no racism in the presidential election.

Some want to know why it isn't racist when 70 percent of African-Americans vote for Obama but it is when 70 percent of whites vote against him.
The answer has to do with history. Over the decades, black Americans have had plenty of opportunities to vote for white people for president. And they have done so. But this is the first time that white Americans have a chance to vote for an African-American with a shot at the presidency. And what are they doing?

Many are responding quite well. Obama won the votes of many, to borrow a phrase, "hardworking white Americans," in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska and Wyoming. But, elsewhere, as Obama said in a recent interview, people may need to get their head around the concept of an African-American even seeking the presidency, let alone winning it.

That's understandable. There are places in this country where white Americans are still raised to think of black Americans as inferior. And then comes someone like Obama who has performed off the charts -- from Harvard Law School to the U.S. Senate and now, possibly, on to the White House. It's going to take some time to get used to all that, especially for people who never thought they'd see the day that an African-American would be elected president.

But understand this: They had better hurry up. That day may soon be here.(1)

Oh and Hillary supporters are a piece of work! They are so die hard for her that if she doesn't win, they will vote for Mcain. O_O Wait, Clinton and Mcain do not have the same beliefs. It's like saying "Oh I believe every woman should have the choice to do what she wants with her own body. You don't like abortion? Then don't have one." and then Obama gets the nomination and it's "Fuck all those murderers! Burn in hell! Make abortion illegal! We want this 77 year old man deciding what we can and can't do with our bodies!" O_O

It's sickening that a lot of white people I talk to are just so closed minded they can't wrap their uneducated tiny brains around the possibility of a black man doing better than them. How can you say you are democrat and then say in the same breath "Well if Osama Obama wins I'm voting for Mcain."

And this muslim shit needs to stop. yeah it's funny to joke about with people who are comfortable with that shit but people really need to educate themselves on the facts. Muslim does not mean terrorist. If Obama was Muslim, who freaking cares!? I have muslim friends and they haven't blown up anything! That is a very dangerous way of thinking and I'm seriously going to cuss out the next person who makes an ignorant comment. "Obama hates America, he doesn't wear a flag pin." Neither do I.

"Obama doesn't say the pledge" Uh, yeah he does. Th epicture that was going around was proven to be taken at some event where the national athem was sang. Don't know about you but I don't put my hand over my heart during the song. OH! I must hate America!"

Obama is racist and hates white peope. He only pays attention to the blacks at events." REALLY!? Because if you youtube his events, 90% of the people there are WHITE!

i'm not hating on white people. I'm hating on the bigots who really need to be shot. Here's the solution. We find all the wannabe KKK members, and all the old white people who still think slavery was the best thing ever and their kids because you know they were taught that, put them all in one part of the USA and napalm the shit out of them. There. We wipe out all the racist and we can start focusing on the REAL ISSUES!

The republicans can play their old ass games of attacking over bullshit. Oh well Michele Obama isn't proud of her country. O_O Yeah, let's go ask all the homeless vets how proud they are of this country! I am not proud of this country! LOTS OF PEOPLE ARE NOT PROUD OF THIS COUNTRY! Republicans need to catch up. It's so typical of them not to focus on anything important. Just little jabs here and there.

After what George W. Bush said in Israel and all his failed policies which they supported and almost 5,000 of our brave men and women killed because of Bush's lies, lost jobs, high food and gasoline prices, borrowing money from China, all the damage Bush has done in almost 8 years, Tennessee Republicans ought to be talking about they are ashame Bush.

I am done. You wanna debate with me? Bring facts!

(1) Source: CNN

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right the fuck on. That blog is made of win and truth. Though, to be fair, everyone I know who supports Hillary will support Obama if he gets the nomination. Why am I saying "if", though? He should just get it. Hillary should have really dropped out by now. She's just looking like an angry pitbull now.

I'm so pissed off about this coming down to race, even though I knew it would. I'm not voting for Obama because he's black, I'm voting for him because I like his politics best. I like the way he gets shit done. And there is no way I would vote for any anti-choicer, no matter how moderate he is.

Shit, if it comes down to race and gender, I'm fucking sick of old white men running everything.